Peaceable Primate Sanctuary

DistortionPeaceable Primate SanctuaryOver the past two decades, Peaceable Primate Sanctuary has evolved from a small endeavor to a vital sanctuary housing over fifty retirees. Our website design aimed to capture the essence of their growth and commitment, inviting visitors to learn about their remarkable journey and meet the incredible primates they care for.Website DesignDesign + IllustrationWebsite DevelopmentResearch + StrategyWeb MaintenanceWeb …

Logo Gallery

DistortionLogo GalleryWe are deeply passionate about crafting comprehensive identity systems. While a brand encompasses far more than just a logo, we also recognize the significance of a strong, distinctive mark. Below is a curated collection of logos, marks, and icons we’ve created for clients and various projects.BRANDING + IDENTITYDesign + IllustrationResearch + StrategyMORE WORKHeinzLearn MoreHudson Avenue PartnersLearn MoreDISTORTIONPHONE773.263.7016EMAIL  •

Les Turner ALS Foundation

DistortionLes Turner ALS FoundationDistortion has partnered with the Les Turner ALS Foundation for over a decade to design, build, and maintain its web presence. We are proud to play a small role in helping people living with ALS find the best quality of care and access to the most promising therapies, online support groups, educational resources, and webinars.Design + IllustrationWebsite …

Sweet Lily Wine

DistortionSweet Lily WineWe were thrilled to collaborate with Sweet Lily in launching their exciting new line of sweet wines. Designed for those who appreciate rich and savory flavors with a touch of the unexpected, Sweet Lily wines promise a delightful journey of exotic tastes and gentle floral notes.Branding + IdentityPackaging + RetailDesign + IllustrationPrint + AdvertisingResearch + StrategyPackaging + RetailWe …